Time, Space, and Lines

 by Steven L. Ernest


   How does a layman in the scientific community begins a paper with a concept that turns many of the current concepts into a dizzy?  There is no rewriting of what is currently believed, but more of a rearrangement of the order of things, with a few twists here and there.

  First, I will begin with what is currently believed.  Keep in mind as your read this paper, layman.  There are 3 or 4 dimensions of space: 1) lines, or length, 2) width, or breadth, 3) height, and 4) time, which some may consider is not a dimension.  The first three dimensions are spatial, or spacial.

  Before I begin the introduction of my new thinking, I will cover a little past history.  Many years ago, I became interested in the concept of time.  Instead of it being the 4th dimension, I considered it to be the zero (0) dimension.  The intersection of the 3 other dimensions.  But would the zero dimension really imply nothingness.  Time is something.

  I read and studied articles whenever I came across them about time for years.  I was always trying to define time.  Even Einstein had uncertainties about time.  Did time even exist.  Many people in the scientific field have trouble with the concept of time.  But most would consider it to be a fabric of space.  (Current thought, considering my rearrangement of things, is space a fabric of time?)  Or, is space and time in union with each other?  Basically, do they go together.

  A little warm up before going into my new thinking.  What are black holes?  What are wormholes?  Space warp, can it be done?  Dark matter, dark energy, do they exist?  How can a quantum object exist in several states at one time?  How big is the universe?  Did the universe really begin with the Big Bang?  So many unanswered questions which science is continuously looking to find the answers for.

  Now, for the intro to my rearrangement of things.  Read an article about time and space and a term stood out for me, ‘spatial’.  I knew the basic definition of the term, but I checked to be sure.  A click sounded in my head.  The answer I was looking for so many years about time and its relationship with lines, width, and height.

  The issue is the four dimensions are out of order!   Lines cannot be the first dimension.  In the first dimension, lines would not be spatial.  Width and height, would have to come before lines so to give lines a spatial structure.

  Does this mean that width would be the first dimension?  No.  The first dimension has to be ‘time’.  The first dimension would have to be a plane of time.  Why, to have a place to place the width, or point, to begin the spatial world.  Other words, time has to come before space.  Instead of space-time, it should be time-space.

  After width is added to time, then height is added to width.  With width and height, you then can have a line.  A line is now spatial.

  A plane of time?  It opens up so many things.  Adds new questions for those with an expanding mind to seek answers for.  One, why must there be time?  Without time, then existence cannot exist.  We have the zero dimension.

  A layman question, “If time is a fixed plane, then instead of time stretching for planets, galaxies, and universal objects and producing gravity, maybe the spatial dimensions are doing the stretching through the plane of time?  Like a rubber band.”

  Would physics and quantum physics have to be looked at differently then before?  Would this rearrangement of dimensions need to be examined more closely?  The logic of it is clear.  Clearer than the logic of the current arrangement of dimensions.  Restating, how can a line be spatial before there is width, or height?

  Will this new thinking add some new thoughts to geometry?  I would say not, but am only a layman.  Geometry would work the same as before, until incorporating the concept of time.

  What new frontiers can be opening.  Those new scientific minds looking at a different viewpoint.  A viewpoint which gets them asking questions.  Gets them to explore new thoughts.  Maybe entering into new worlds, new dimenstions, new universes.

  Layman question, “If blackholes are taking in matter and squeezing it into smaller and smaller mass until singularity, is singularity time, where there is no spatial dimensions?”

  Layman question, “If you are able to enter the plane of time, can you exit anywhere in the spatial dimensions?  Anywhere in the universe?  Wormholes?”

  Layman question, “Can the plane of time govern the spatial dimensions?  Can the plane of time be the Matrix?  Determines how things work.  Provides the laws and theories that govern the universe.”

  There are more questions I could ask, but it is time for others to ask.  For others to expand their minds, their thinking, their universe.  Or, is this layman just that.  Enter not into a world you can’t understand.

  In ending, can the first dimension, also, be called, “The Entrance to the Spirit World?”  As there are spatial dimensions, can there be dimensions of time?  Dimensions without space but different aspects of time.  Is there a God and Heaven?

posted 7-11-24